Rhone Island Concept Art

This is the concept art of the island, for the opening sequence. Robert Grimmly the main player is approaching in his boat.

Robert Grimmly

This is the latest render update of the main player in the Rhone Island game. He is called Robert grimly AKA "Grimm".

Ruck Sack

This is the latest render update of Grimmlys ruck sack!

Underground Laboratory!

Here are the blue prints for the secret underground laboratory, this is where most of the gruelling action will take place within the game.

More Concept Art!

Here you can see the latest updates of the island concept art. This is a mock up of the island layout.

More Concept Art!

Here you can see the latest updates of the island concept art. This is aconcept of the secret underground laboratory entrance.

Level Design - Military Base!

Here you can see the latest updates of the island progression. This is a close up of what will eventually become the military base on the island.

Concept Art - PDA Device!

Here you can see the latest updates of the concept art. This is the PDA device concept, it will be Grimmlys most valued asset throughout the game.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

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Hey guy's and girl's we would first of all like to thank you for visiting our site! Second of all we would like to hear from you, we would like to hear what you think about our SAS Diaries : Project Rhone Island. Fan mail, funny pictures, but best of all your thoughts on the game, if you liked our game idea! Who knows maybe in years to come you may see Project Rhone on the market shelves. All we will say is be reasonable with your suggestions. Who knows if we like your ideas enough we might offer you a placement to join the team. Or you might just get your name in the credits and see your idea in the game! So what you all waiting for get clicking that

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