Monday, 29 April 2013

Welcome to The Rhone Island Blog!

Welcome to our blog!


Rhone Studios Logo


Hello everybody and welcome to the Rhone Studios - Project Rhone Island blog page.

On here you will find all the latest information about the game development progression and you can also meet the team and find out more about each member and what their role is in making the game!

Possibly in the near future we will have game demo's for you to test and send us feedback about the game and what your thoughts were, room for improvement, and point out errors, what could be made better and of course any additions you might like to see in the game.

Eventually there will also be some game pages to stop you getting bored and give you a little break from reading. The best part about this is being game developers, we love to play games, so be sure to check the leader boards and see if were up there, and if we are try to beat our scores, then boast about it by posting to us.

So, back to the games, we will more than likely embed a few mini clip games to keep you going, (and us).

Not only will you be able to view all of the concept art for the game, and keep up to date will all the latest renders and updates on the level design and character design with in the game itself, but in the future we will hope to have some tutorials written out for you on the relevant pages and hopefully share our knowledge for anybody wanting to learn about the game industry/UDK/Programming and so on...

So there will be many different aspects for you to choose from. What are you waiting for, start having a browse around the blog and we hope you keep on coming back for more.

Also if your feeling generous and would like to help us in developing our dream game we ask for you to pledge donations to us, this will enable us to better the game and help keep us going in making tutorials as this takes a lot of dedicated time and effort, so show your appreciation.

Thank you and Enjoy